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OSHA Safety Manuals

You’ll need safety program manuals to be in compliance with OSHA, as well as meet audit requirements of certain third party safety compliance auditors and hiring companies. We offer a free company evaluation to understand all your safety compliance needs in order to generate all appropriate certification, documentation, and training manuals necessary.

A safety program manual designed by 1 Stop Compliance will meet the audit requirements of governing safety agencies, like OSHA. This expands to other 3rd party safety compliance auditors including ISNetworld®, Avetta®, and Veriforce®. Safety manuals provided by 1 Stop Compliance include all the safety sections required, plus safety documentation forms.

Contact the experts at 1 Stop Compliance for OSHA safety program manuals to ensure your company is in compliance.

What's Included: OSHA Safety Manuals

OSHA Safety Manuals

A 100 plus safety manual for a contractor subject to safety program audits by OSHA. The manual includes all of the safety sections required by the auditing company. Working with governing agencies and auditing companies is very challenging, so we take care of everything for you; we do the work, we get it submitted, and we get you approved.

Given our 50+ years of experience dealing with safety manual requirements for OSHA compliance, we know what it takes to achieve 100% approval on the first audit, and we guarantee it. As included service for 1 Stop Compliance clients, we will answer all the questions for each safety section and upload the manual in each section.

If something out of the ordinary comes up, we will invest whatever time and effort is required to make needed corrections at no extra cost to you. We will identify the safety sections required and any subsequent corrections needed.

The total package for each OSHA safety manual order includes the manual as well as 7 or more safety documentation forms; PLUS instructions on how to implement your safety plan.

Contact the OSHA safety program manual experts at 1 Stop Compliance today to get safety compliant fast.

OSHA Safety Manual Consultation

Ready to start the OSHA Safety Program Manual Process?

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