ISNetworld® will be reviewing all of your information with a fine-tooth comb to make it easy on yourself and them by implementing these easy steps to assist in expediting the review process.
- RAVS® safety programs can easily be created for first-time approval.
Implement the following steps to first time RAVS® safety compliance.
We suggest you create the majority of the RAVS® programs that ISNetworld® requires for your Hiring Client. Although some Hiring Clients will allow a variance on some of these programs, this will need to be taken up directly with your Hiring Client. However, since these RAVS® safety programs are dictated by your Hiring Client as being streamlined for all of their sub-contractors we suggest you go ahead and create these programs. Following the steps below will enable you to easily create and gain approval.
Simplicity is key! An Ideal ISNetworld RAVS safety program is under 10 pages
- Evidence – each question asked by ISN® within your RAVS® safety program.
- Customize – address your full company name within the RAVS® safety program.
- Include the training sheet specific to each program within the RAVS® safety program.
- Insert page numbers.
- Insert your company name within the footer.
- Next is where your hard work creating the simplistic RAVS® safety program pays off. The United States Questionnaire MSQ® is user-friendly so go through the questionnaire and answer the questions about your safety program – identify the page number in which each question being asked is addressed within.
- Review– once your account documents are submitted the review process begins and depending on the documents being review it will take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to complete the review. Your Hiring Client has the power to authorize a speedier review so contact your hiring client to see if they would mint calling ISN® to request expediting the review.
After review- Troubleshoot your grade- once your grade has been determined after the review take a closer look at your grading components and review the gap report in ISN® This will show you exactly what areas in your safety program that are affecting your grade. There are some components in ISNetworld® you cannot control and need to be discussed and troubleshot with your Hiring Client
The ISN® grading components weigh differently on general areas of concern for your Hiring Client. Go through the gap report one by one and incorporate any areas you left void or where you marked as ‘No’ – these areas are clearly important to your ISNetworld® Client. Changing an answer may incur more RAVS® safety programs to be created.