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Energy Industry Safety Compliance


OSHA mandates all employers to prevent workplace injuries and implementing policies and procedures for safety compliance in the energy industry is the first step in that direction. This manual is designed to make your company safer and put you in a position to comply with OSHA regulations, for your insurance and external safety program requests.

In every energy industry company a safety compliance request to ensure the quality and integrity of your companies internal working operations is typical. Complying with ISO 9001, a typical QAQC manual will have implemented strategic policies for inventory control, loss prevention, customer complaints and many more detailed procedures to be compliant with QAQC expectations. 1 Stop Compliance will take the time to assist you in developing these procedures internally by developing a custom QAQC manual that is compliant and readily available for your auditors and clients abroad.

A Site Specific Manual request can be a large hurdle to exceed in the energy industry. There are many reasons that your company could be requested to have this specific kind of manual in place. Often times it is a factor because of the strongest policies of the government or organization you are planning to work for. By completing a 30 minute questionnaire and providing us some pertinent information regarding tools, equipment and the scope of work being completed for your customer, 1 Stop Compliance will be able to create a Site Specific Manual that will pass your audit with flying colors.

Health, Safety and Environmental are some of the hot button topics that are constantly being tackled by safety personnel across the energy industry. Most safety manuals often lack the environmental aspects required to be compliant with organizations that deem this a viable mandated program. 1 Stop Compliance is able to create a program that coincides with your business and works as an active tool to protect your company and reduce your risks and liabilities.

Some organizations across the world have decided to utilize an external organization to conduct all of their audits of companies they plan to utilize for various products and services. When being requested to become a member of an organization like ISNetworld® you will have to have a program that is tailored and specific to your client request via the audit site. The challenge here is, even if you have an existing OSHA manual or other type of safety program, it will not pass the ISNetworld audit because of their trademarked auditing parameters, RAVS™. Like ISN, many auditors have created their own special blend of requirements, terminology and programs that make it difficult to pass and comply in the energy industry. This could lead to losses of hundreds of hours of labor, with little to no avail. Here at 1 Stop Compliance, we offer a solution that is custom and specific to each auditor and can be completed within 72 hours.


No matter the size of the business you operate in the energy engineering industry, it is essential and required that every company implement a safety program. There are many benefits to implementing a Written Health and Safety Program. Many times, companies make the decision to do so, because of requirements being set forth by their hiring company, insurance, or even just because of the constant concern of an OSHA audit. We can fulfill and alleviate every concern with our custom written programs for the energy industry and ensure every employee is aware of what OSHA requires and what you expect as an employer.

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Start the questionnaire

to receive a complete quote for your compliance needs.